Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
2023 Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
MMG is a remarkable, dynamic academic community. We have been fortunate to bring new faculty into this community over the past couple of years, while some col- leagues have moved on to other opportuni- ties in their lives and careers. We wish them the very best; they remain MMG Spartans in our hearts! You can read more about our new and departing faculty in this newsletter (page 4) and about a wonderful program of peer-mentoring—GRIT—that was created by MMG students and has expanded to include many other departments and programs

Living in Michigan, we all probably know people who hunt deer. NatSci microbiology and molecular genetics professor Shannon Manning is a hunter too, but her quarry is microscopic Salmonella strains. Check out our feature story on tracking Salmonella to better treat Michigan patients, read a giving profile about Richard Van Frank (B.S., microbiology and public health, ’51), and learn more about our newest faculty and staff members and other department activities in our 2020 newsletter.